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Jun 4, 2015

This post features track and field training schedules, targeted at improving conditioning with minimum risk of injury.  Also included in this post is a link to a Kids and Family magical fantasy, Mr. Wugidgem and the Faces of Freedom.  Debby and Michael are learning good magic to help overcome evil in the world, with the...

May 11, 2015

This post features track and field training schedules, targeted at improving conditioning with minimum risk of injury.  Also included in this post is a link to a Kids and Family magical fantasy, Mr. Wugidgem and the Faces of Freedom.  Debby and Michael are learning good magic to help overcome evil in the world, with the...

Mar 24, 2015

I have been running, writing, and traveling for decades.  I have concluded that everything worthwhile takes regular effort over a long period of time.  This way, you avoid most injuries, burnout, writer's block, and boredom.  Running and writing are still joyous, particularly when you overcome the...

Feb 18, 2015

This is a blog that features my running training experiences, with a long term approach to achieve injury-free conditioning.  I also discuss positive thinking through affirmations.  I am a Masters Runner and have qualified for the last three National Senior Games.  I also provide links to my Thriller and my Children...

Oct 18, 2014

This Blog focuses on Track and Field Running, Training, Positive Thinking, using Affirmations.  Masters and Senior Games competitors will be interested in training schedules and experiences.  Periodic travel experiences in interesting spots around the world appear.