Golden light magician. Angry teenager. Warrior against dark side magicians armed with red magic laser beams, like the one on this front cover. James rejects magic until a new dark side threat rises. He learns new magical skills from a Yosemite Shaman. He struggles to control his hot temper which lands him in trouble with family and friends. Dangerous encounters truly test this teenager which could cure or kill him.

On the morning of his thirteenth birthday, July 4th, 1994, James Wugidgem hung upside-down by his feet from the opening to the main storm drain on Oak Street. Beams of white light flashed out the tips of his fingers and thumbs. He reached down, gathered up Whiskers, and saved her life. He knew strange things were supposed to happen when you become a teenager, but nothing like this! This was too weird! 

Category:Kids & Family -- posted at: 2:23pm PDT